Would you jump into the water without learning how to swim?

If you’re thinking about jumping into a job search
learning how to land your first dream job,
that’s exactly what you’re about to do.


Congratulations! You’ve just learned a life-changing lesson that you didn’t know until know. Setting your first foot into the right door (“your dream job") is extremely important. Why? Because your first job sets the standard for what you’ll expect from your career. Build your foundation right from the start, or risk spending years trying to fix it later. Imagine what that could cost your future self.

Join our scientifically proven
Team-Based Career Coaching (TBCC) Program
so you can not only survive in the crowded job market but also land your first dream job you’ve always envisioned.
It’s time to finally say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and focus on enjoying and growing in the first dream job that you deserve.

in JANUARY 2025


Door Opens in December

Click the button below
to learn more about
a once-in-a-lifetime offer for
our signature TBCC program
that you won’t want to miss!

Are you a college student, seeking your first job?

How has your job search been going?

I’ve seen too many college students struggle with the transition to work

because you have no one to turn to for guidance.

I am a former professor with 14 years of experience, having taught over 5,000 college students. I am also a college-to-work transition researcher with internationally published work in scientific journals. My students say, “Dr. Song knows what she is talking about.”

Hi, I am Dr. Song

ultimate career navigator
biggest cheerleader.

I’ve seen too many students struggle with the transition to work because you lack the guidance needed to navigate the job market. Your parents can’t help you because they don’t have the experience or knowledge. Colleges don’t teach you how to make a transition to work.

To put it simply, you have no one to turn to for guidance with job search.

I’ve tried to make a difference through my research, but haven’t seen much improvement in colleges taking these issues seriously or taking actions to serve students better.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I decided to roll up my sleeves and make a difference in the lives of young people like you.

The truth is you are in college so you can have a better education and a happier life AFTER COLLEGE. Right?

I quit my professor job in August, 2024 to more directly help students like you - smart, hardworking, and talented.

I know it feels like you are expected to figure it all out by yourself.
That’s tough.
I understand the pressure you’re feeling - I really do.

This is why I am here today to guide you through your first dream job search.


Which of these sounds like you?

“My parents have put tons of money into my education in the U.S. I can’t let them down.

I feel so much pressure.”

“My parents sacrificed a lot so I could get a better education in the U.S.

I want to make them proud.”

“I can’t go back to Korea without a good job.

That would be embarrassing.”

“I worked really hard to learn English, get a good GPA. Now what? I am a senior, and I don’t know what I want to do after college.

That’s depressing.”

“All my friends know what they want to do after college. I don’t.

Am I the only one who doesn’t have a dream?”

“I am not interested in anything.

I feel like Whatever."

“My English isn’t good. I don’t think I can get a good job with my poor English.

I’m really disappointed in myself.”

“I kinda know what I want to do after college, but I don’t know how to get that kind of job.

I feel stuck.”

“I know exactly what I want to do after college, and I know exactly what it takes to get that job.

I’m full of confidence.”

“I’ve been applying for jobs, but no luck so far.
I did everything I could - got a good GPA, completed an internship, updated my resume, built a LinkedIn profile. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

It’s very frustrating.”

“I have an ‘okay’ GPA. I don’t have much internship or work experience. I don’t know if I can get a good job.

Honestly, I am not that confident.”

“I might go to a grad school and figure it out

I hear you. I feel for you. I really do.

I was in your shoes.

I know this is a lot to handle.
It may seem like you have many different problems,
but the truth is, you have ONE problem.
And when you have only ONE problem, it’s a simple fix .
You only need one solution.

I’m here to help you solve that problem and
get you what you need to land your first dream job
so you can experience the greatest happiness in your life.
Too good to believe? Wondering how we do it?
Keep scrolling to read more,
or click the button below to jump to the description of the TBCC program.


job seekers never know:


YES. Let me repeat this because your life will be 100% different
once you understand this fact:


A SKILL means “the ability to do something well.”

How to gain new skills? Learn, Practice, and Get feedback
from experts.

What is the best way to learn how to drive (a skill)?
You learn from people who already know how to drive with competence.

The truth is, you’ve NEVER LEARNED the skills required to land your dream job. College never teaches you that.
Neither your parents nor your friends.

Let me guess. You have been browsing online for free resources
for “how to prepare for X, Y, Z” to land your first job.
How has that been working out for you?

Let me guess. You have been scrolling through job postings, hoping something will catch your eye. How has that been working out for you?

I’m guessing you feel pretty frustrated, stuck, lost, anxious, unmotivated…

The real question is:

HOW DO YOU EVER EXPECT to have the skills

when YOU NEVER LEARNED them properly??

Would you jump into the water and try to figure out how to swim by yourself? No, you wouldn’t.

Why not? Because you know it wouldn’t work, and most of all,
it would be dangerous, risky, and too costly.

What you’re doing now is just like trying to swim
without properly learning how.

You’ve thrown yourself in the digital sea of free, distracting, disorganized “resources,” and trying to figure out how to reach your destination - your (dream) job.

Of course, you feel stuck, scared, and unmotivated.

This is exactly why I created

the TBCC Program.

Our Team-Based Career Coaching Program is your way out of the fishbowl.

I will teach you a step-by-step process for “how to land your first dream job” and guide you through every step you take so you can finally focus on the task in front of you, knowing it will confidently lead you to your destination - your dream job.

Plus, we do this together in a team of like-minded students who are serious and committed unlocking their full potential, just like you are.

In fact, team-based learning is a scientifically proven powerful method to learn and practice skills in the most effective, fun, and lasting way.

Remember, landing your dream job is a SKILL THAT YOU MUST AND CAN LEARN from experts.

What you learn and gain from the TBCC Program in our School of Big Fish will change your life.

Don’t feel like a big fish yet? You will soon with us.

Spring 2025 TBCC Program
Door Opens in

Join our Founding Member List
to secure your spot
& unlock
once-in-a-lifetime offer
you won’t want to miss!


Dr. Song’s School of Big Fish