Team-Based Career Coaching (TBCC) Program

Limited Time Offer

in JANUARY 2025
Founding Member
Exclusive Tuition.

You save $1,237
(53% of the original tuition)

Founding Member Tuition

(3-monthly payments, total $ 1,491)
(one time full payment, save $91)

Original Tuition

(3-monthly payments, total $
one time full payment(save

This offer ends when the Spring 2025 enrollment ends in December.

Join the Priority List for FREE to be the FIRST NOTIFIED once we open up the TBCC doors so you don’t miss your chance to take your first step toward your first dream job.

No payment required.
Secure your spot and lock in this limited time tuition savings of $1,237—100% risk-free!

Unsuccessful job seekers are
ChatGPTing everything for their job search.

Guess who else is doing the exact same thing?


How you ever expect to stand out in this crowded market
when you do exactly what everyone else is doing?

ChatGPT rewrites your resume, LinkedIn profile, interview answers…

But guess what ChatGPT cannot rewrite.


You need to rewrite YOU.
ChatGPT can’t do that for you.

Unsuccessful job seekers find jobs that look great &
try to fit themselves into the role using a ChatGPT version of themselves.

Successful job seekers
the best version of themselves and
an ideal job that fits them.

Do you see the difference?

Unsuccessful job seekers “fake it until make it.”

Successful job seekers simply don’t need to - because they don’t have to.

Our TBCC program guides you through crafting the best version of you that
shines through the crowds the way that
NO AI TOOLS can do.

you must know the answer to this question:



So you can avoid doing the same.

Make sense?

At the end of the TBCC program,
you will achieve

1.The best version of you that shines and stands out from the crowd

How do you expect to land your ideal job
when you’re not in the ideal version of yourself?
Why “Fake it until you make it” when you can actually become the one? Think about yourself at your best - that’s exactly what you will achieve (and even more).

  • Crystal-Clear Career Vision: Solidify your career direction with razor-sharp clarity and laser-focused objectives that align with your deepest passions and the market's needs. This solves the problem of “I don’t know what I want.”

  • Unshakable Confidence: Develop the kind of authentic confidence that makes you magnetic in interviews, networking events, and all your professional interactions. This wolves the problem of “I don’t know if I can do it.

2.Winner Game Plan

When you’re at the best version of yourself, there’s nothing to fear, and nothing to worry about. PLUS, when you’re armed with the right strategy and plan, you become unstoppable. That’s exactly what you will get.

  • Inside the Hiring Mind: Decode what hiring teams and recruiters truly want, transforming every application into a compelling case for why you're the perfect fit.

  • Maximized Market Visibility

  • Customized Career Launch Strategy: Step out with a personalized, actionable plan that’s designed not just to launch your career but to skyrocket your professional trajectory.

  • Networking Genius: Build a powerful network that not only expands your professional landscape but also brings opportunities to your doorstep. (Oh, I hate networking. I hear your voice. Don’t worry. I will make networking fun for you.)

  • Feedback-Fueled Refinement: Elevate your job application materials with insider critiques from industry professionals, ensuring your arsenal is nothing short of exceptional.

3.Timeless Skills and Techniques

We don’t focus on “trendy” things like pretty resume designs, AI tools to boost your candidacy, or foreign accent reduction. Instead, we go deeper. The best version of yourself, with clarity and confidence, will only need consistent practice to refine your skills and present yourself effectively both online and offline. We practice together with real time feedback.

  • LinkedIn Mastery: Unlock the full potential of LinkedIn, turning your profile into a beacon for career opportunities and professional connections.

  • Interview Dominance: Master the art of the interview to the extent that you're not just answering questions, but leading a dialogue that lands jobs.

  • Irresistible Resumes & Cover Letters: Craft documents so compelling that hiring managers can’t wait to interview you, turning every job application into a call back.

  • Deep-Dive Industry Acumen: Cultivate a profound understanding of your field through targeted research and expert interactions, preparing you to navigate and influence your industry.

4. Templates and scripts?

Of course! You’ll receive templates and scripts at the start of the program to help you begin building the best version of yourself.
ALSO, more importantly, as you learn and practice more, you’ll discover that you’ve developed the skills to write your own templates and scripts that reflect the best version of you in the most effective way. After all, you know yourself best.

5. Finally, FULLY READY to step into YOUR FIRST DREAM CAREER that lets you live your best life.

6. PLUS, oh, this is a big one:
a process you can reapply over and over.

You’ll walk away with the entire step-by-step process you’ve learned and practiced in the program (and all the templates, of course) so you can apply them to your next and the one after that. How comforting and reassuring is that?

Trust me, you’ll continue job searching as long as you remain in the workforce. Why? Because you’ll grow out of whatever position you’re in at the moment. You’ll know when your current role no longer feel right for you. I’ve seen too many established professionals feel stuck in their current roles. They know the position isn’t right for them and want to move on. HOWEVER they don’t move on because they feel scared, hesitant, overwhelmed,…..the same feelings that might be holding you back right now from moving toward a more fulfilling career and a happier life.


Three reasons.

  • First, you know the exact step-by-step process you need to take to move forward, so there’s nothing to worry about.

  • Second, you know what it’s like to be in your dream career. Why would you want to give that up and continue in a job and life where you feel stuck and miserable? NO WAY.

  • Third, you have me, Dr. Song, your friends, and our community. You can come back anytime when you need guidance, tips, advice, or motivation. We’ve got your back so you can focus on living, laughing, loving, growing, and sharing. How does that sound to you? Fantastic?! Heck YES.

Scientifically Proven Powerful

is exactly HOW we make all happen.

Let me be super clear about what this program is NOT about.
This isn’t just a coaching program in “how to do it” where you just sit there and tell me “give me answers to X, Y, and Z.” If that’s what you are looking for, we are not a right fit.

In our team coaching program, you do the real work. Period.

Our program is all about experience in actually producing results- your growth mindset, growing network, increasing online visibility, and stronger application materials. Most importantly, an irresistible and attractive candidate, YOU.

It is about taking you past that “not so best” version of you that has been stopping you from moving forward to your dream career so you can finally experience the breakthrough in job search you’ve been looking for.

Dr. Song, I get your point. Please tell me what you exactly do to make it all happen? The school of big fish’s program is composed of 12 weekly class agendas packed with action items for both in-class and take-home assignments.

1. Weekly synchronous class
(video recordings are available).

2. Six students in one team.

3. Class lengths: 90 minutes.

4. Course period: 3 months
(1 onboarding + 12 weekly classes)

WHY is Team-Based Career Coaching (TBCC) the most superior training method of all?

Collaborative Learning

Working with peers allows you to share knowledge, experiences, and strategies. Each team member brings unique insights, which can help you see things from different perspectives and expand your understanding of various industries, roles, and career paths.

Skill Development

In a team setting, you can practice and improve critical skills like communication, teamwork, and leadership. These soft skills are highly valued by employers and can give you an edge in the job market.

Enhanced Problem Solving

Teams are often better at solving problems than individuals. When faced with a challenge, your group can brainstorm and come up with innovative solutions that you might not have thought of on your own.

Accountability and Motivation

Being part of a team creates a sense of accountability. You’re more likely to stay on track with your career goals because your peers are counting on you, and you’ll naturally feel motivated to keep up with the group’s progress.

Real-time Feedback

When you’re working with a team, you get immediate feedback on your ideas, resumes, cover letters, and interview techniques. This instant feedback helps you refine your approach quickly and effectively.

Learning from Others' Mistakes

By working closely with others, you can learn from their experiences, including their mistakes. This can help you avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your progress.

Networking Opportunities

The team itself becomes a network. You’re building relationships with like-minded individuals who may work in different fields or companies in the future. These connections can be invaluable for job referrals, insider information about companies, and support throughout your career.

Support System

Job searching can be stressful, but having a team means you’re not alone. You can share challenges, celebrate successes, and offer each other emotional support, making the entire process more enjoyable and less daunting.

Team-Based Coaching is the ONLY method that
not only helps you achieve the
maximum results
but also makes job search
more engaging and fun

(you heard me right. FUN).

What are the actual contents of
our 12-week TBCC program?

Remember, for 12 weeks, you will learn from me, Dr. Song, your teammates, and real people in the real filed of your dream job. Here’s what to expect:

  • Networking from Day 1: Don’t worry. I will make it FUN! You’ll start building meaningful connections right away and continue throughout the course. See? I don’t just teach how to build it. I’ll build it with you.

  • Interview practice from Day 1: Again, no need to stress! We’ll make it fun, and you’ll practice throughout the program to build your confidence.

  • LinkedIn Presence from Day 1: You’ll start building your presence (not just your profile) right away, with continued guidance as we go.

I will guide you step-by-step on exactly what to do, how to do it, and - most importantly - why it matters. No worries, we’ve got this.

Here is a BIG GIFT for you. I’m not leaving you on your own after the final class.
For the next three months, I’ll be here to support you 100% as you apply what you’ve learned to real-life job applications. You’ll have access to our private LinkedIn community, where you can share your progress, ask questions, and get guidance from me whenever you need it. We’ll work together to make sure you’re on track to land your dream job.

WEEK 0 Course Orientation & Onboarding
Let’s get started! We’ll cover everything you need to know about this course and set you up for success from Day 1.

WEEK 1: Know Your Game I – How Does a Hiring Team Work?
Do you want to get hired? Of course, you do! So, what’s more important—what job seekers think or what hiring teams think? This week, we’ll flip the script and put you in the shoes of the hiring team. We’ll break down the hiring process so you can plan your job search strategically.

WEEK 2: Know Your Game II – Understanding Your Immigration Status
Your immigration status is a critical part of your career planning. This week, we’ll get crystal clear on how it affects your job search so you can be fully prepared and ahead of the game.

WEEK 3: Make the Job Fit Your Vision, Not You Fit Into a Job (a.k.a. Career Clarity)
You’re not here for just any job—you’re aiming for your dream job, right? While you can land any job without clarity, your dream job requires it. This week, we’ll dive into YOU—your likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and what you truly value in work and life. Once you have clarity on yourself, job titles and positions will then naturally illuminate.

WEEK 4: Confidence Check
Why is confidence key to landing your dream job? You already know why. This week, we’ll unpack what confidence really is and how to build it up, so you’re ready to present the best version of yourself to employers.

WEEK 5: Career Discovery
Let’s explore potential career paths. Pick three options based on everything we’ve covered so far. Not sure yet? No problem—you can refine them later. I’ll also show you how to discover new career opportunities aligned with your interests. Already have a favorite? Great! Let’s expand your options by finding two more related paths.

WEEK 6: Decode Job Postings
This week, we’ll play detective. We’ll go beyond the surface of job postings, analyzing the fine print and reading between the lines to understand what employers are truly looking for. You’ll learn how to tailor your application to hit the mark every time.

WEEK 7: Field Research – Does Your Career Fit?
It’s time to test your career choices against reality. We’ll go straight to the source—talking to professionals in your dream field. This is your chance to learn if your career path aligns with your values and if there are skills or experiences you need to build to strengthen your candidacy.

WEEK 8: Continue Field Research
Let’s keep the momentum going! This week, we’ll continue gathering insights from industry professionals to validate and refine your career direction.

WEEK 9: Razor-Focused Resume
Now that you have clarity and confidence, creating a targeted resume will be a breeze. We’ll work together to craft a resume that highlights your strengths and is laser-focused on your dream job.

WEEK 10: Mock Interviews
By now, you’ve been practicing interview skills since Day 1. This week, we’ll polish those skills with mock interviews to boost your confidence and perfect your responses. At this point, interviews should feel second nature to you.

WEEK 11: After the Application – Negotiation & Accepting an Offer
You’ve nailed the job interview—now what? This week, we’ll cover what happens next. From negotiating your offer to accepting it with confidence, you’ll learn exactly what to expect and how to handle it.

WEEK 12: Craft Your Game Plan (Final Class)
This is it—the final class. We’ll review everything you’ve learned about your career field, from qualifications to job prospects. Together, we’ll assess how close you are to being the ideal candidate and create a clear, actionable plan to close any gaps and move forward.

WEEK 13 to WEEK 24 (3 Months Post-Graduation)
I’m not leaving you on your own after the final class. For the next three months, I’ll be here to support you 100% as you apply what you’ve learned to real-life job applications. You’ll have access to our private LinkedIn community, where you can share your progress, ask questions, and get guidance from me whenever you need it. We’ll work together to make sure you’re on track to land your dream job.


How do I Enroll in the TBCC program?

That’s a great question!
Clearly, you're here to solve a problem. You could try to do it yourself with free resources or spend a few hundred dollars here and there on various services. But that could end up costing you a great deal of time, money, and effort. It's a lot to spend on solutions that may not work.

That’s potentially a significant amount of future dream job salary left on the table, not to mention all the time wasted (how about frustration?).

This is likely why you're here—you don’t want that.
You're looking to save the time, money, and effort it takes to land your dream job so you can instead invest those resources to grow your salary, career,
and life once you’re in that dream job.

You don’t have to waste nearly that amount to gain access to our program.

The Original tuition is $879.
($2,637 total for three months).

Here's what you get from the program:

  1. 12 synchronous weekly team-coaching classes.

  2. Access to templates, scripts, and workbooks.

  3. Your strongest resume, LinkedIn profile, and boosted online visibility.

  4. Connections with 500+ LinkedIn networks, including informational interviews.

  5. The best version of you, shining and standing out in a crowded job market.

  6. A winning game plan.

  7. Timeless skills and techniques to secure your dream job.

  8. Collaborative learning experiences.

  9. Consistent accountability and motivation.

  10. Real-time feedback on your progress.

  11. Enhanced problem-solving strategies.

  12. Opportunities to learn from others' mistakes.

If you pay in full, the total is just
$2,500 (save $137).

OR 3 monthly Payments of $879

Limited Time Offer

in JANUARY 2025
with Founding Member

Exclusive Tuition.

You save $1,237
(53% of the original tuition)

Founding Member Tuition

(3-monthly payments, total $ 1,491)
(one time full payment, save $91)

Original Tuition

(3-monthly payments, total $
one time full payment(save

This offer ends when the Spring 2025 enrollment ends in December.

Join the Priority List for FREE to be the FIRST NOTIFIED once we open up the TBCC doors so you don’t miss your chance to take your first step toward your first dream job.

No payment required.
Secure your spot and lock in this limited time tuition savings of $1,237—100% risk-free!

Enrolling in the School of Big Fish will give you all the amazing benefits described above
(powerful team coaching, video recordings of classes, templates and scripts).

PLUS, you’ll also get these for FREE!

Here are MORE GIFTS for you.

1:1 personalized Email Support
(VALUE $600)

Concerned about lacking personalized support? Worry no longer. During your participation in the program, you will also receive one-on-one personalized email support for any sensitive questions that may not be suitable for a group coaching environment.

Life-Time Access to
Templates and Scripts
(VALUE $899)

Concerned about misplacing the templates and scripts you worked on? Don't worry—we've got your back. As an alumnus, you'll have unlimited access to all the templates, scripts, and workbooks we cover during the program. No need to stress about organizing them or keeping track on your computer. Just log into the school portal, and everything you need will be right there.

Private Linked In Group Support
(VALUE $150)

Concerned about questions that might pop up after graduation? Rest easy. We grant you complimentary (FREE) access to our exclusive LinkedIn group for three months post-graduation. This ensures you can always reach out to consult with an expert on any challenge you face during your job search. Enjoy peace of mind knowing help is just a connection away.

Life-Time Access to
Private Alumni Community
(VALUE Priceless)

Not every one is willing to invest in their career future, but you did. What does that say about you? Imagine being a part of a community where everyone shares your commitment to growth. As an alumnus, you’re invited to join our exclusive alumni community, a vibrant space where lifelong friendships are not just made but also serve as your most dependable networking resource for future job opportunities. In this community, we learn and grow together, achieving our greatest happiness and sharing it with others.

“More gifts are yet to come. Stay tuned!”

when enrolling in

  • 12 weekly synchronous team coaching classes
    (+ video recordings)
    (value $2,637)

  • Life-time access to Templates, scripts, workbooks
    (value $899)

  • Private Linked In Group Support
    (value $150)

  • 1:1 personalized email support
    (value $600)

  • Life-time access to private alumni community
    (value priceless)


How much value
do you place on your future?

For some of you, $2,500 seems too much to invest in your future.

Let’s take a moment and think about this.

How much have you already invested in your college education?

You're at the brink of completing your education, standing at a pivotal crossroads. One path leads directly to your dream career, perfectly aligning with your interests, talents, and life goals. The other? It could lead anywhere—potentially to jobs that don’t harness your capabilities or ignite your passion.

How much value do you place on your future?
What could it cost you to navigate post-college life on your own?

Imagine the time and energy you might waste wandering down a path that isn't right for you, only to have to backtrack and start over later.

Now, think about this: isn't a $2,500 investment worth ensuring you embark on the right career path from the get-go? Reevaluate the stakes of this decision.

Investing in a direction that secures your professional and personal aspirations isn't just an option; it’s essential. Make the calculation again. Your future is worth the investment.

Still on the fence about this investment?
Wondering about all the 'What ifs?'—What if it doesn't work for me? What if I don't like the program? What if I don't complete it?
I understand these are real concerns.

Here’s my commitment to you:
I’m so confident in what this program can do for your career that I’m offering a
DOUBLE-guarantee that lets you sleep easily at night.



Things happen in life. We all know that. IF, for some reasons, you decided not to continue the program OR you cannot continue, simply contact us within the first 30 days, we will give you a FULL REFUND. NO QUESTION WILL BE ASKED. PERIOD.


Dive deep into the coursework, apply the lessons rigorously, and really test out what we offer. If, after those three months, you truly believe you haven’t gained value, I’ll give you A FULL REFUND. All I ask is that you show me the work you’ve done. This isn’t just about fairness—it’s because results come from action. I’m here for those ready to invest in their future, not just financially but with their effort and commitment.

Choose to invest in yourself with ZERO RISK. This decision shouldn’t cost you sleep. You have everything to gain.



You have two clear choices.
Which one is yours?

Choice #1

Spend months trying to figure it out on your own with free resources, costing you time, money, and delaying your future dream salary.

Choice #2

Join our team-based career coaching, powered by proven, step-by-step methods that save you time, money, and fast-track you to landing your dream job.


  • You can definitely find some information online for free, but here’s the difference: this program is designed to give you everything you need in one place, without wasting time searching for bits and pieces. You’ll get expert guidance, personalized feedback, and a step-by-step process tailored specifically for your career goals—all of which are hard to find in free resources. Plus, our team-based coaching provides real-time support, accountability, and networking opportunities you can’t replicate with free content.

    Ultimately, free resources might give you pieces of the puzzle, but this program puts the entire picture together for you, saving you time and maximizing your results.

  • Resume writing services can be helpful, but they’re only a small piece of the puzzle. A professionally written resume might get you noticed, but landing your dream job requires much more than just a well-crafted document.

    Our program goes beyond just writing resumes—we help you develop a full career strategy. You’ll learn how to clearly define your career goals, build a strong personal brand, master interviews, expand your professional network, and develop critical skills that make you stand out long-term.

    While resume services are a one-time fix, our program gives you tools and skills that you’ll use throughout your entire career. It’s an investment in your future that pays off far beyond just submitting a strong resume—it helps you secure the job you want and build a sustainable, fulfilling career path. So yes, resume services may be cheaper upfront, but the value and impact of this program are far greater.

  • 1:1 coaching can be effective, but it’s not necessarily more effective than team-based coaching. Here’s why: with team-based coaching, you get the best of both worlds. You still receive personalized feedback and guidance, but you also benefit from the insights, experiences, and support of your peers. Being part of a group allows you to learn from others, see different perspectives, and develop critical skills like collaboration and communication, which are crucial in any career.

    Plus, in a team setting, you’ll experience real-time problem-solving, accountability, and motivation that can help push you further than working alone. The shared learning environment often results in breakthroughs and ideas you wouldn’t get with 1:1 coaching alone. So, while 1:1 is valuable, the collaborative nature of team-based coaching often leads to even more powerful results.

  • Absolutely not! In fact, being a sophomore means you have more time to strategically plan and prepare for your dream career. You’re in the perfect position to start building your professional foundation early, giving you an edge over others who wait until the last minute. With more time, you can explore your career interests, grow your network, and refine your skills, all while reducing the pressure as graduation approaches. Starting now means you’ll be far ahead of the game by the time you’re ready to apply for internships and jobs. You’re setting yourself up for success early, and that’s a huge advantage.

  • Absolutely! While we can’t make you speak English like a native speaker in three months, here’s something important to remember: landing your dream job requires excellent communication skills, which is not the same as fluent English. Think about how many native English speakers struggle with communication. The key is expressing yourself clearly and confidently, and that’s what this program is here to help you with.

    Team-based coaching is one of the most powerful tools for building these skills. Here’s how it will benefit you:

    1. Real-Time Practice with Peers: In team-based coaching, you’ll interact with your teammates regularly, giving you the opportunity to practice communicating your ideas, receiving feedback, and improving in a supportive environment. This consistent practice will sharpen your communication skills, both in English and in professional interactions.

    2. Collaborative Learning: Working with others means you’ll learn not just from the coach, but from your teammates. You’ll pick up on different ways to communicate effectively, hear how others structure their responses, and practice in real-world scenarios, which will help you grow faster.

    3. Safe Space to Build Confidence: Your team becomes your support network. In this non-judgmental space, you can practice speaking up, asking questions, and engaging in discussions without fear of making mistakes. The more you participate, the stronger your communication skills will become.

    In addition to team-based coaching, here’s how we’ll further support your journey:

    1. Personalized Feedback on Writing: You’ll get feedback on your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile, ensuring they are professional and impactful, even if English isn’t your first language.

    2. Interview Practice Focused on Communication: Our mock interviews will help you focus on delivering clear, confident responses. You’ll learn how to effectively communicate your strengths, regardless of fluency.

    3. Templates and Scripts: We provide templates for resumes, cover letters, and networking outreach, so you don’t have to worry about perfect grammar. You can focus on delivering your message clearly.

    4. 1:1 Support and Coaching: Along with team sessions, you’ll have access to personal email support, LinkedIn group discussions, and office hours for direct guidance.

    In short, team-based coaching is the perfect way to build strong communication skills in a supportive environment, while the rest of the program helps you refine your professional documents and interview techniques. We’ll work together to make sure you have the tools you need to land your dream job—communication, not fluency, is the key, and we’re here to help you master it.

  • Resume writing services can be helpful, but they’re only a small piece of the puzzle. A professionally written resume might get you noticed, but landing your dream job requires much more than just a well-crafted document.

    Our program goes beyond just writing resumes—we help you develop a full career strategy. You’ll learn how to clearly define your career goals, build a strong personal brand, master interviews, expand your professional network, and develop critical skills that make you stand out long-term.

    While resume services are a one-time fix, our program gives you tools and skills that you’ll use throughout your entire career. It’s an investment in your future that pays off far beyond just submitting a strong resume—it helps you secure the job you want and build a sustainable, fulfilling career path. So yes, resume services may be cheaper upfront, but the value and impact of this program are far greater.

  • I completely understand that you feel confident in certain areas, and that’s fantastic. However, I encourage you to go through the entire program for two key reasons:

    1. Strengthen What You Already Know: Even if you already have clarity, revisiting certain topics can deepen your understanding and sharpen your approach. It’s about reinforcing what you know to ensure you’re fully equipped to navigate challenges and opportunities in your career path.

    2. Develop Essential Career Skills through Teamwork: When you engage with your team on topics you feel confident in, you’re not just revisiting material—you’re honing critical skills like communication, leadership, and problem-solving in real-world scenarios. Helping others and collaborating in a group will make you a stronger, more well-rounded professional, which is invaluable in any career.

    So while you may feel secure in some areas, the experience of working through the full program will provide more than just knowledge—it will equip you with essential skills for long-term success.

  • First, let me assure you—there’s no such thing as being “behind.” Everyone's career journey is unique, and there’s no set timeline for figuring things out. What may seem like a slower pace is actually part of the natural process of exploration, reflection, and growth.

    In fact, not knowing exactly what you want to do can be an advantage. It gives you the opportunity to explore options, revisit your interests, and refine your direction without being locked into a single path. The program is designed to support you wherever you are in the process. Plus, you’ll be working with a team that brings different perspectives and experiences, which can help you gain clarity faster than if you were working alone.

    Remember, this is not a race. This is an ongoing process—explore, reflect, iterate, and move forward at your own pace. You're exactly where you need to be, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

  • No, we don’t guarantee the result—because the truth is, you are the only one who can make the results happen. However, what we do guarantee is that this program will give you everything you need to make it possible. We provide the tools, strategies, guidance, and support to set you up for success, but it’s up to you to take action, put in the work, and apply what you’ve learned. Your dream job is within reach, and this program is designed to help you get there—if you commit to the process.

  • A lot of international job candidates land their dream jobs with visa sponsorship. It happens all the time, and it can happen for you too! Going through this program and becoming the best version of yourself will make you an irresistible candidate—someone employers want to hire no matter what it takes, including visa sponsorship.

    Visa sponsorship can be a complex and overwhelming process, but our program is designed to help you navigate it. Here’s how we support you:

    1. Guidance on Visa-Sponsoring Employers: We’ll teach you how to identify and target companies that are open to sponsoring OPT, J1, or H1B visas. You’ll learn strategies to approach employers who understand the value international students bring.

    2. Networking with Professionals Experienced in Visa Sponsorship: Through our team-based coaching and networking opportunities, you’ll connect with professionals who have gone through the visa sponsorship process themselves. Their experiences and insights will help you better navigate your own journey.

    3. Tailored Job Search Strategies: We’ll help you craft a personalized job search strategy that aligns with your visa needs, so you can focus on applying to the right companies and roles that are more likely to sponsor your visa.

    4. Application and Interview Preparation: You’ll receive specialized support on how to position yourself as a standout candidate for companies willing to sponsor visas, including crafting your application materials and interview techniques to highlight your value as an international candidate.

    Our goal is to not only help you land your dream job but to also ensure you have the guidance and tools necessary to secure the visa sponsorship that makes that dream possible.

  • You’re the only one who can decide what’s right for you. However, here’s what I can say with 100% confidence: You don’t have to be an extrovert to fully participate in this program and get 100% (or more) out of it. The beauty of our team-based coaching model is that it’s designed for all personality types, including introverts.

    We have a mix of in-class and take-home assignments, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to reflect and contribute at your own pace. Plus, active listening, which is a key strength of many introverts, is just as valuable as speaking up. You’ll have the chance to engage in ways that feel comfortable to you while still benefiting from the collaborative environment.

    Many introverts thrive in this setting, and I’m confident you’ll find your own unique way to succeed!

  • Investing in coaching is an investment in your future success. The upfront cost can lead to landing a higher-paying job more quickly, which often outweighs the initial expense.

  • Yes. Anyone who is committed to finding a dream job is welcome to our program.

Is your question not listed here?
Send us a message with your question. We will get back to you.


when enrolling in
the TBC Program

  • 12 weekly synchronous team coaching classes
    (+ video recordings)
    (value $2,637)

  • Life-time access to Templates, scripts, workbooks
    (value $899)

  • Private Linked In Group Support
    (value $150)

  • 1:1 personalized email support
    (value $600)

  • Life-time access to private alumni community
    (value priceless)


Limited Time Offer

in JANUARY 2025
Founding Member
Exclusive Tuition.

You save $1,237
(53% of the original tuition)

Founding Member Tuition

(3-monthly payments, total $ 1,491)
(one time full payment, save $91)

Original Tuition

(3-monthly payments, total $
one time full payment(save

This offer ends when the Spring 2025 enrollment ends in December.

Join the Priority List for FREE to be the FIRST NOTIFIED once we open up the TBCC doors so you don’t miss your chance to take your first step toward your first dream job.

No payment required.
Secure your spot and lock in this limited time tuition savings of $1,237—100% risk-free!


A former international student & college professor

Now, the founder of School of Big fish & your career navigator

When I see you struggling, I feel for you deeply.
Did I mention that I was an international student for nine years?

I know exactly what you’re going through
—both from my personal experience and from 20 years of research, teaching, and mentoring.

You and your family have made huge investments in your education in the U.S. I understand the pressure to prove it was all worth it.

I also know what it’s like to try and figure everything out on your own. In fact, I was so determined that I did figure it out by myself, earning my PhD and becoming a professor in the U.S. But did I enjoy going it alone? Absolutely not. I just didn’t know there was another way.

Let me tell you a bit about my background. I come from a family just above the poverty line in Korea, with a physically handicapped mother who was the sole breadwinner. My parents knew nothing about college, let alone a PhD in the U.S. When you don’t know, you don’t know what you don’t know. I had no idea I needed guidance. I thought everyone else was doing the same thing.

The reality? Not even close.

It wasn’t until I came to the U.S. for graduate school that I realized something important: successful people around me have mentors guiding them along the way. I’m not just talking about love, emotional support, or financial help. I’m talking about practical, step-by-step guidance—specific advice to help them navigate toward their goals.

That was my shocking, eye-opening, and in a way “Duh” moment. Once I realized it, It seemed so obvious that I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen it before. My well-versed friends in grad school all had parents with advanced degrees. Think about it: top football teams have top coaches, world-class pianists have world-class teachers, and successful presidential candidates have a strong team behind them.

I am who I am today because I learned hard lessons the tough way, figuring it all out on my own and achieving the dreams I had as a little girl back in Korea. But I’d love to share the amazing experience of achieving dreams with you—without all the unnecessary costs of doing it the DIY way. Instead, I want you to enjoy your life and share your happiness with others.

I left my job as a professor - my once “dream job”- and showed up here today because I’m committed to helping you.

I’m incredibly grateful to be in a position where I can help students like you take meaningful action toward a fulfilling career and life.


Dr. Song’s School of Big Fish